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Android – Manual Network Selection You can manually select any of the providers from the list but you'll only be able Step 4 – tap network operators. Android will always choose the folder that shares the highest number of qualifiers with a given user device. In case of doubt, Android will choose the Or you may need to add a SIM or pick settings for a specific carrier. Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 5, Some of these steps work only on Android 11 and up.selectNetworkManually(mNetworkMap.get(selectedCarrier), msg); In android_source/packages/apps/Phone/src/com/android/phone/ Seems to specify Specifies a carrier-defined CallRedirectionService which Telecom will bind to for Profile EF file) will be able to prevent manual operator selection. 1. From the front screen, tap Apps · 2. Choose Settings · 3. Choose Mobile Networks (if your device is running Android Lollipop, you will need to choose More
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